Moh Damush

Group CEO and Co-Founder

Moh Damush, a notable figure in business, investment, and philanthropy, boasts a global entrepreneurial track record. He is revered as an innovator in telecommunications and Information Technology sectors, fostering strong partnerships with financial backers worldwide. As Group CEO of Telecel for four years, Moh strategically expanded the company across Africa and enhanced team efficiency and professionalism. Additionally, he founded the Africa Startup Initiative Program (ASIP), dedicated to nurturing young talent and fostering innovation throughout the continent.

Nicolas Bourg

Chairman and Co-Founder

Nicolas Bourg, chairman and co-founder of Telecel Group, directs financing and fundraising initiatives, wielding a deep-rooted financial knowledge shaped by his vast experience in mergers and acquisitions. His proficiency in navigating complex investment landscapes is further recognized in his role as founder and CEO of multiple private equity holdings. He demonstrates a remarkable command over investment strategies spanning the competitive fields of telecommunications and real estate. Nicolas’s entrepreneurial prowess is further underscored by his successful establishment of innovative online platforms, including 

Malek Atrissi

Group COO and Telecel Mobile CEO

Malek Atrisi has over 18 years of experience with large operators, including with MTN in Africa. Malek has led operations in his capacity at CEO and CTO levels, with first-hand experience on how to build and sustain a profitable business in Africa.

Obafemi Banigbe

Board Member

Obafemi Banigbe is a seasoned technology leader, entrepreneur, advisor, and thought-leader, who has been at the driver’s seat of technology innovations and initiatives across key markets Africa. Prior to establishing IPTV/OTT PaaS business in Africa, Obafemi played several C-level technical and operational roles in big telecom companies in Nigeria, Ghana and Tanzania. He has in-depth understanding of today’s complex business environment prevalent within African market and the need to ensure that business objectives and commercial requirements are translated into optimal business strategy leading to successful execution.

Godfrey Mwindaare

Board Advisor

Godfrey Mwindaare, an experienced banker for over 25 years, has deep expertise in credit and private equity markets across Africa. He held senior roles in multinational banks and impact investment firms like Acumen Fund and Aavishkaar Capital, and served on influential boards including the Central Bank of Ghana. Currently a Regional Director at Gateway Partners, Godfrey previously worked with leading institutions like the African Development Bank, Standard Bank, and Barclays, gaining extensive deal-making experience in over 40 African countries, particularly in mining and infrastructure projects worth billions. 

Suzan Kitariko

Board Member

Suzan, a Mass Communication graduate from Makerere University with an MBA from Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh Business School, boasts over 14 years of Telecom sector experience in Uganda. From roles at UTL to Orange Uganda and Google, she’s held diverse leadership positions, overseeing strategy, operations, and sales. Currently, as General Manager at SICPA Uganda, she focuses on providing secured identification and authentication solutions, enhancing societal security.

Ahmad Farroukh

Board Advisor

Ahmad Farroukh is a seasoned telecom and finance professional, with 30+ years of experience in the industry. He has an impressive history of transforming underperforming ventures into record-breaking successes. Throughout his distinguished career, Ahmad held multiple senior positions at MTN Group and Investcom Holding Group. In these roles, he was instrumental in securing substantial funding and establishing rigorous governance practices. Ahmad’s academic credentials include a MBA in Business Administration and Accounting from the Lebanese American University, in addition to being a Certified Public Accountant. 

Michael Ikpoki

Board Advisor

Michael Ikpoki is a business executive with over 25 years of experience in the African telecommunications industry. His extensive career includes leadership roles at MTN Group, where he served as Sales Director in Nigeria and CEO in both Ghana and Nigeria. In 2016, he founded Africa Context Advisory Partners, providing expert telecommunications/ICT advice to major investors and companies in West Africa. He currently advises Onafriq, the largest pan-African digital payments hub, and holds chairman and director positions in several renowned companies. Michael is also a mentor for CEOs and a speaker on corporate leadership in Africa.

Jean-Louis Borloo

Board Advisor

Jean-Louis Borloo is a French politician who served as president of the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) from 2012 to 2014. Borloo was a member of the European Parliament and later a deputy in the French National Assembly. He held several ministerial positions, including Minister of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development, and the Sea, as well as Minister of Economy, Finance, and Employment under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy.